UNDP District Innovation Challenge Application Form

Dear Applicant,

The District Innovation Challenge is a UNDP Initiative. UNDP is supporting high growth and innovative businesses with business development support to scale and firm up their businesses. The project entails an entrepreneurship challenge for young people to present their innovations that are solving crucial development challenges as outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals.

The entrepreneurship challenge is targeted at youth (between 18 to 35 years) and female led MSMEs with innovative solutions. The innovative solutions should respond to one or more of the developmental challenges as outlined by the SDGs and must demonstrate impact or potential to impact People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships.

Specifically, your innovation/business should be running within a start-up which is not less than 3 months; demonstrate ability to make impact; and address the Sustainable Development Goals. This MSMEs Challenge is aimed at providing mentoring, coaching and business development support services to youth and women led MSMEs that are employing game changing innovations.
This initiative is limited to six MMDAs - Kassena Nankana West, Kumasi, Sefwi Wiawso, Jomoro, Ketu South and Sagnarigu.

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