EMPRETEC Ghana Foundation

Empretec Ghana is the leading name in the training of entrepreneurs in Ghana. It is a member of the multinational EMPRETEC network and is strongly committed to the development of a healthy private sector with specific emphasis on Micro, Small and Medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). It was established in Ghana in 1990 as a public-private partnership project of the United Nations Development Programme, Barclays Bank of Ghana Ltd and the Government of Ghana. The Empretec programme is targeted primarily at potential 'winners' in the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises to improve their entrepreneurial and functional management competencies needed for growth. The focus is on start-ups and existing enterprises engaged in value-added activities notably, manufacturing, agri-business and services.

The Empretec Concept

Empretec Ghana Foundation’s concept for MSMEs’ development is based on the thought among business owners in Ghana and Africa in particular, that money is the most important requirement for success in business. Others believe that technical skills are the key to success in business. While money and technical skills are important, they are not determinants of success. Indeed, more fundamental to success is the depth of knowledge and attitudes of the manager/entrepreneur. It is a well-known fact that attitudes shape behaviour. Without the right attitudes and their associated behaviours, money and technical skills alone will not lead to success. People could develop great ideas and such ideas could equally have great value. But unless ideas are supported by and executed with knowledge, flair, confidence, commitment, passion and the right attitude, the enterprise will fail. Many start-up businesses have failed because the great ideas conceived could not be translated into reality for lack of the requisite knowledge and the right attitude.


The Vision of EMPRETEC Ghana is to become a centre of excellence in the provision of business development services both in Ghana and internationally and to ensure that this principle permeates throughout the SME sector.


The mission of EMPRETEC Ghana is to build high quality, growth-oriented, internationally competitive entrepreneurs through training, business advice and access to technology and finance.

Target Beneficiaries

EMPRETEC’s support is targeted primarily at potential “winners” in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector with growth potential. The focus is on existing enterprises engaged in value-added activities notably manufacturing, agribusiness and services. However, start-up companies

Core Activities

  • Training
  • Advisory Services
  • Access to Finance