Training for Existing Enterprises

Empretec Ghana provides competency training for entrepreneurs who have been in business for 3 years or more.

Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW)

EMPRETEC Ghana offers its flagship Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW) developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) which uses processes to change attitudes, mind-set and behaviour of the entrepreneur towards sustained business growth, based on identified Personal Entrepreneurial Competences (PECs). The uniqueness of the ETW which makes it different from other entrepreneurship training programmes is its focus on success and growth-oriented behaviour, not just on skills for running a business. The ETW is administered exclusively by UNCTAD-certified national and international master trainers. The ETW for existing enterprises is a 6-Day intensive programme with practical exercises aimed at unleashing the “real entrepreneur” in an individual. The programme instills practical and result-oriented behaviours in the trainee and leads to the unlocking of the growth prospects of his/her business. It offers practical tools on how to improve entrepreneurial competencies such as: goal setting, systematic planning and monitoring, business plans, information seeking, seizing opportunities and risk taking. The practical nature of the programme which aims at changing the mind-set of entrepreneurs and a systematic approach to acquiring new behaviours for business success, undoubtedly, makes this the best entrepreneurship programme in the world.

Training for Business Growth

Business growth presents both challenges and opportunities. EMPETEC Ghana provides tailored training and mentoring to help business owners and managers navigate the complexities of business growth. EMPRETEC Ghana helps you answer some important and difficult questions such as: What can I do for my business to grow? How do I identify new market opportunities? How do I manage working capital effectively? How and where do I get the right skills for my business to growth?

Customized Training for Existing Enterprises

EMPRETEC Ghana runs a number of customized trainings aimed at addressing the managerial needs of SMEs. These training programmes seek to sharpen the skills of SME managerial staff to improve their people, resources, and problem diagnosis and solutions competencies. The training areas have included:

  • Managing Quality in the Small Business
  • Taxation for SMEs
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Succession Planning
  • Bidding for Contracts
  • Planning for Growth