AfDB/IIA Capacity Development of SMEs

Sub-contracted by IIA, Empretec Ghana is managing the provision of training and business advisory services that is unleashing the growth potential of 160 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana through entrepreneurial mind-set change of the SMEs owners and key personnel. The EMPRETEC Ghana service mix includes delivery of UNCTAD's Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW), business diagnosis for addressing operational and financial challenges, entrepreneurial and management skills training; systematic advisory, mentorship and business counseling services to the 160 SMEs.

UNDP/Government of the Republic of Namibia

EMPRETEC Ghana will undertake the installation of the EMPRETEC model of Entrepreneurship Development in Namibia. Additionally, EMPRETEC will provide Entrepreneurship and Business Advisory Services to 1,400 MSMEs in Namibia.


The IIA/ANGLOGOLD Enterprise Development and Capacity Building Programme (EDCBP) has sub-contracted EMPRETEC Ghana to provide entrepreneurship and Business Development Services to enable the AngloGold Ashanti Ghana (AGAG) Suppliers/SMEs sustain and grow their businesses.
100 AGAG Suppliers/SMEs shall benefit from the Empretec business development program which will specifically aim at lifting the 100 AGAG Suppliers/SMES onto an accelerated path of enhanced competitiveness for growth and increased profitability using:

  • UNCTAD's world-acclaimed Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW);
  • Diagnostic evaluation approaches involving the day-to day research into operations of the 100 SMEs and design of intervention packages to address their business challenges;
  • Mentorship - attaching expert(s) to 50 Suppliers/SMEs of AGAG to provide support and feedback on how well to transition the Suppliers/SMEs to the desired progression towards achieving profitability and growth targets;
  • A robust SQL database M&E system jointly hosted by IIA/EMPRETEC Ghana to track the performance of all 100 Suppliers/SMEs on agreed KPIs with AGAG.
  • Enterprise Development and Capacity Building Programme (EDCBP): August 2019 to July 2020

    Market Development Programme for Northern Ghana (MADE)

    EMPRETEC Ghana conducted Entrepreneurship Training Workshops for 54 SME agribusiness partners of Market Development Programme for Northern Ghana (MADE) in Tamale and Bolgatanga, Ghana, in April, 2019. Funding provided by UK Aid.

    UNDP/Government of The Gambia

    EMPRETEC Ghana undertook a Scoping Mission, Project Documentation Preparation and Installation of the EMPRETEC model of Entrepreneurship Development in The Gambia. This project sought to train and prepare a total of 6,000 entrepreneurs to establish successful enterprises or grow and expand their businesses. The Project was completed in June 2017.

    United Nations Entity on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

    EMPRETEC Ghana provided entrepreneurial skills training and post-training Business Support Services to 40 women-owned businesses of the South Sudan Women Entrepreneurs Association in Juba, South Sudan from May 2016 to February 2017.

    UNDP/Government of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia

    EMPRETEC Ghana undertook a Scoping Mission, Project Documentation Preparation and Installation of the EMPRETEC model of Entrepreneurship Development in Ethiopia. The objective of this Project was to bring about a Transformational Change in agriculture and industry through unleashing the potential of over 20,000 small scale farmers and Micro, Small and Medium scale enterprises (MSME) through entrepreneurial skills training and provision of a dedicated and comprehensive range of business advisory services. Project was completed in June 2016.

    Millennium Development Authority (MiDA)

    The Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) engaged the services of EMPRETEC Ghana to conduct Entrepreneurial Training Programme for alternative livelihood for over 800 'Project Affected Persons' i.e. roadside traders dislocated as a result of the construction of the Tetteh Quarshie - Mallam (N1) Highway. EMPRETEC Ghana undertook Community Sensitization; Training Needs Assessment; Training Delivery; Post-Training Assessment; and Business Counseling and Mentorship Services. The Programme was completed in October 2011.

    Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana

    EMPRETEC Ghana conducted a Need-Based Training in Business Development/Marketing for over 250 Root and Tuber Producers, Processors and Traders operating in 14 selected districts across Ghana. Project completed in June 2009.