Governance & Management

  • Name:Mr. Dunwell Eku
  • Position:Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Dunwell Eku

Dunwell Ekow Eku is an SMEs Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Consultant with over 20 years of experience in areas such as Entrepreneurship training and promotion, Small Enterprise Development, Business Development Services, Value Chains development, Enterprise Clusters, Business Incubation and Fund Management. He is currently a Certified International Master Trainer (CIMT) of the UNCTAD’s Global EMPRETEC Programme. Dunwell worked for 6 years with the National Board for Small Scale Industries as an Entrepreneurship Trainer and Motivator, Regional Manager and head of its first Business Advisory Centre in Cape Coast. In the period starting from 1988, he worked with consultants from the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI-I) where he trained with 9 others, to established Ghana’s first entrepreneurship development programme, conducting trainings in key regions of Ghana. He joined EMPRETEC Ghana, then as a UNDP Programme in 1993, as the Western Regional Coordinator, responsible for the set-up and roll-out of training and business development services programmes in the Western Region. He later took up a position as a Senior Business Advisor at the head office of EMPRETEC Ghana and subsequently rose to the position of Deputy Director and head of EMPRETEC Ghana’s training department. In the course of these duties, he benefitted from a Work Study programme sponsored by the then UK Overseas Development Agency (now DFID) that enabled him work with trainers and consultants of UK’s Project on North East and the Totenham Business Development Agency, which supported small business owners in the United Kingdom. As the Deputy Director of EMPRETEC Ghana, he led the design, installation and management of entrepreneurship training and business development services. These services included the Flagship EMPRETEC Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW), Business Growth Program for SMEs, the bankers Premium SMEs Relationship Management Program among others. As the head of training in EMPRETEC Ghana, Dunwell led the installation of the global EMPRETEC ETW programmes in Botswana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa and Guyana. Dunwell also provided the leadership for various training and consulting assignments in Botswana, Ethiopia, Guyana, Nigeria, Namibia, Mauritius, South Africa, Sierra Leone, The United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe. In the process he has trained over 5,000 entrepreneurs and other business executives in Ghana and within the global EMPRETEC network. In 2003, and after 10 years of fulfilling service and winning the Best Senior Staff Award of the decade in EMPRETEC Ghana, Dunwell exited to take up consulting positions under DANIDA’s Support Programme for Enterprise Development and Empowerment (SPEED) for 6 years of his career trajectory and transitioned to the two Phases of the Word Bank and DANIDA funded Skills Development Programme, which ended early 2021. Dunwell hold’s an Executive MBA, in Entrepreneurship and small enterprise development and promotion and EDI-I’s Accredited Trainers Motivator certification. Outside of work, he doubles as a Christian lay leader in his local church, is an outdoors fan and an avid Tennis Player. He is married to Joyce since 1990 and is blessed with two adult children, Paula and Paa Kow.